Buddy Nestor put together an amazing show recently that opened at the Black Vulture Gallery on June 3rd. The artwork has not shown up on the gallery’s web page, however many of the works have shown up on BUddy’s own Facebook page. So I thought I would make it easier and show the work here. This is a very large group show, and features some outstanding work. Works by Cam Rackam, Brian Smith, Dan Harding, Apricot Mantle, Charlie Immer, Crystal Barbre, Dave Glass, Ewelina Ferruso, Isis Graywood, Kat Gun, Jessica Ward, Kristen Ferrel, JoKa, Jeremy Hush, Paul Romano, Lauren Rusignola, Peter Adamyan, and many more make up for a solid show. I am really hooked on the painting “Raphael Goes to Hell” by Lauren Rusignola (shown last). Of course I’m always a sucker for paintings that feature elements and themes from classical works of art, but the textures and style of this painting is amazing in itself. Take a look at the full show over at Buddy’s Facebook Page:
“Speaking in Tongues” Preview

I'm reading the Complete History of the Return of the Living Dead book and this has forced me to break a personal vow by watching all the various sequels to one of my favourite horror comedies, a vow I made shortly after the video release of Return of the Living Dead 2. So, here are my impressions :
Return of the Living Dead 2, well, I was right back then. It's an awful awful awful film, the two returning cast members over act wildly. The new cast are cretins and thoroughly deserve to be eaten. I feel sorry for the zombies. Seriously misfiring sight gags, muppet zombie puppets, tepid metal soundtrack, the most annoying girlfriend in cinematic history and a useless script. Do not resuscitate the director.
On a positive note the first scene between James Karen and Thom Mathews in the mausoleum was nice, I also liked the green smog floating over the graveyard and the young hero Jesse reminded me of, that infamously debauched astral roamer; Kirk of The Mighty Boosh.
Return of the Living Dead 3, In which it is revealed that Trioxin was originally developed to counter the menace of marijuana. This film is a vast improvement. The comedy aspect has been jettisoned in favour of a straight story of doomed love. Brian Yuzna directs and there's a heavy Reanimator influence showing in the grotesque special effects. I think this is the best film I've seen by him, I loved the story of Society but this has better acting and a more even tone.
It's also a plus that this tangentially covers the Goth scene and the cult of body piercing. One of the major attractions of the first film was the gang of punks.
Return of the Living Dead 4, and back to awful. After quite a few years lapsed in development hell the series is picked up by an Eastern European consortium that specialise in failing horror franchises and making Clive Barker cry. Considering that there were two screenwriters and they spent six years rewriting the script they really should have done a better job.
Would two vagrants talk about how seldom they bathe? No, they'd gossip about Big Jock. Would Mimi, a pretty popular girl, really be prepared to prostitute herself with a greasy overweight security guard in order to rescue someone she doesn't like? Well, maybe.
The special effects ain't that special and all but the principal cast members have suspiciously East European accents. There's this 30 year old Russian teenager who says : "I haff lost count ov ze timez I haff passed on ze primo tail so vat you can score da little somethin' somethin'".
Anyway, not good. The only positive aspects are the two fake TV spots that open and close the film and the brief sequence where you see a zombie punk with a Mohican that looks a bit like Brian Dick.
Return of the Living Dead 5, Produced by the same cheapo East European consortium with nearly all of the same American cast members but a lot more fun than their first attempt. There's been some cool rave scenes in horror films (Blade, American Werewolf in Paris and Freddy vs Jason, for example) but here is a film largely devoted to the sub-culture, this, to me, is a lot more interesting than watching another film about gaining entry to a top secret military installation. This is also the only film besides the first I'd consider downloading the soundtrack of.
Some of the zombies are better realised, particularly the new Tar Man and in the opening sequence. There are some nice gory scenes involving drumsticks and cheerleaders bums. It's not in the same class as the third, let alone the first, but it's not entirely bad.
If I'm picking flaws then there's the crap Russian mafia who would be unfunny even if they could speak their lines, Julian and Cody's naive reaction to the canisters left by evil Uncle Charles, (if Cody didn't see them in the first film he saw enough to make his actions incomprehensible, Julian is forever wandering off and leaving the canisters unattended) and the way the zombie outbreak that has been raging exponentially for a couple of days has no bearing on the rave going ahead.
But horror films aren't about logic and apparently the screen writers had a lot of pressure placed on them by the producers to make changes they weren't comfortable with, blame the Russkies.
So, in summation, avoid the even numbered Return of the Living Dead's and if there's a future for the franchise (there isn't, Tom Fox has snuffed it) it might be fun to do a prequel and show the effects of Trioxin on dope smoking hippies back in the 60s.
Fasbinder 62 out.
I'm reading the Complete History of the Return of the Living Dead book and this has forced me to break a personal vow by watching all the various sequels to one of my favourite horror comedies, a vow I made shortly after the video release of Return of the Living Dead 2. So, here are my impressions :
Return of the Living Dead 2, well, I was right back then. It's an awful awful awful film, the two returning cast members over act wildly. The new cast are cretins and thoroughly deserve to be eaten. I feel sorry for the zombies. Seriously misfiring sight gags, muppet zombie puppets, tepid metal soundtrack, the most annoying girlfriend in cinematic history and a useless script. Do not resuscitate the director.
On a positive note the first scene between James Karen and Thom Mathews in the mausoleum was nice, I also liked the green smog floating over the graveyard and the young hero Jesse reminded me of, that infamously debauched astral roamer; Kirk of The Mighty Boosh.
Return of the Living Dead 3, In which it is revealed that Trioxin was originally developed to counter the menace of marijuana. This film is a vast improvement. The comedy aspect has been jettisoned in favour of a straight story of doomed love. Brian Yuzna directs and there's a heavy Reanimator influence showing in the grotesque special effects. I think this is the best film I've seen by him, I loved the story of Society but this has better acting and a more even tone.
It's also a plus that this tangentially covers the Goth scene and the cult of body piercing. One of the major attractions of the first film was the gang of punks.
Return of the Living Dead 4, and back to awful. After quite a few years lapsed in development hell the series is picked up by an Eastern European consortium that specialise in failing horror franchises and making Clive Barker cry. Considering that there were two screenwriters and they spent six years rewriting the script they really should have done a better job.
Would two vagrants talk about how seldom they bathe? No, they'd gossip about Big Jock. Would Mimi, a pretty popular girl, really be prepared to prostitute herself with a greasy overweight security guard in order to rescue someone she doesn't like? Well, maybe.
The special effects ain't that special and all but the principal cast members have suspiciously East European accents. There's this 30 year old Russian teenager who says : "I haff lost count ov ze timez I haff passed on ze primo tail so vat you can score da little somethin' somethin'".
Anyway, not good. The only positive aspects are the two fake TV spots that open and close the film and the brief sequence where you see a zombie punk with a Mohican that looks a bit like Brian Dick.
Return of the Living Dead 5, Produced by the same cheapo East European consortium with nearly all of the same American cast members but a lot more fun than their first attempt. There's been some cool rave scenes in horror films (Blade, American Werewolf in Paris and Freddy vs Jason, for example) but here is a film largely devoted to the sub-culture, this, to me, is a lot more interesting than watching another film about gaining entry to a top secret military installation. This is also the only film besides the first I'd consider downloading the soundtrack of.
Some of the zombies are better realised, particularly the new Tar Man and in the opening sequence. There are some nice gory scenes involving drumsticks and cheerleaders bums. It's not in the same class as the third, let alone the first, but it's not entirely bad.
If I'm picking flaws then there's the crap Russian mafia who would be unfunny even if they could speak their lines, Julian and Cody's naive reaction to the canisters left by evil Uncle Charles, (if Cody didn't see them in the first film he saw enough to make his actions incomprehensible, Julian is forever wandering off and leaving the canisters unattended) and the way the zombie outbreak that has been raging exponentially for a couple of days has no bearing on the rave going ahead.
But horror films aren't about logic and apparently the screen writers had a lot of pressure placed on them by the producers to make changes they weren't comfortable with, blame the Russkies.
So, in summation, avoid the even numbered Return of the Living Dead's and if there's a future for the franchise (there isn't, Tom Fox has snuffed it) it might be fun to do a prequel and show the effects of Trioxin on dope smoking hippies back in the 60s.
Fasbinder 62 out.
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